Daniele Puppi: Fatica n.28

Daniele Puppi, Fatica 28. (Long Gallery installation view). Image courtesy of the artist. Photograph © Chris Webb.
4 October - 13 November 2005
Daniele Puppi is amongst the most exciting young Italian artists of his generation. Using video projection and sound, Puppi’s work is a direct response to the architecture of the gallery. His work takes two forms; ‘Frammenti’ (fragments), photographs that evolve from the artist’s engagement with a space and ‘Fatiche’ (efforts) which take the form of sculptural video installations. Projected large scale and with a startling intensity, Puppi’s imagery often comes from the artist’s own actions in the gallery; a hand – enormous in size – projected to appear slamming against the gallery wall or the artist’s leg – colossal – projected as if ‘ploughing’ through two storeys of a building. For Puppi, the surroundings are not simply a neutral place that hosts the work of the artist, but the raw material from which the work emerges and takes form. Through the artist’s distinctive treatment of his subject matter, he demonstrates that rare ability to elevate the most mundane, everyday action to the most profound.
Press Release