World Listening Day – Deep Listening Workshop
To coincide with World Listening Day 2017, we invite you to a workshop on Deep Listening. Following the teachings of American avant garde composer Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016), we will practice sonic meditations, body energetics, and dream awareness. In this moment of uncertainty and change (environmental and political) we invite you to strengthen connections with yourself and with others, through sounding and listening, knowing that when you listen deeply, something meaningful and unexpected might happen.
About Deep Listening
Deep Listening® is a practice created by Pauline Oliveros, in collaboration with IONE and Heloise Gold, that is informed by expanding the range of audible forms beyond ordinary sound perceptions in daily life. The practice of Deep Listening is intended to heighten awareness of sound, silence and sounding. Deep Listening Practice is informed by forty years’ experience and is crafted for an immersive experience. Sound in its many manifestations: from cells to voice, from nature to urban environment, from sound in dreams to memories, and imagined sound, creates a wonderful territory to explore our sense of being in the world and our perception of many other possible worlds.
World Listening Day 2017
World Listening Day 2017 is an opportunity to consider and engage one another in an ear-minded, soundscape approach to our environment, to understand our shared role in making and listening across cultures, generations, places, disciplines, and communities, and to reflect and honor the life and legacy of Pauline Oliveros, an influential woman pioneer of electronic music composition and improvisation, as well as a founder of the practice called Deep Listening. July 18, the birthday of R. Murray Schafer (b. 1933), Canadian composer and founder of the World Soundscape Project and acoustic ecology.
Inês Rolo Amado
Born in Leiria, Portugal, Inês holds a Deep Listening Certificate and is a London based artist, curator, academic and researcher. Her work spans several media: sculpture, sound, video, site-specific installation, and performance with a particular interest in interdisciplinary, collaboration and participatory projects through a process of listening and dreaming; establishing connectivity, interaction and exchange. Amado’s main area of research focuses aspects of migration, dislocation and diaspora. Her most recent work emphasises the exile, displacement, temporality, change and transformation, including the investigation of spaces of transit and of transition invoked by memory and storytelling that reveal cross cultural semiotic aspects as well as historical legacies. River Flows a major exhibition in Museum of Moving Image in Leiria Portugal in 2015/2016, focussed these aspects. In 2014 she co-organized, co-curated and participated in the IV BreadMatters – Crossing Boundaries Intersecting The Grain in ARtos Nicosia, Cyprus. BreadMatters is a research program composed of exhibition, debate and workshops that question and focus on socio-cultural, historical, sustainable and geopolitical issues and which, brings together artists, musicians, historians, poets, writers, art critics and the public in an inclusive Cultural Program.
Ron Herrema
Ron Herrema is a composer and digital media artist. In 2008 he began his study of Deep Listening practice with Pauline Oliveros and completed his Deep Listening Certificate in 2016. He has been especially interested in integrating contemplative practices with technology through creativity. In recent years he has: developed two iPhone app/artworks; co-produced the winning entry at The Tate Modern’s art hackathon; performed audiovisual free improv; composed for film; and created an interactive installation for the Tate Britain.
He composes both acoustic and electroacoustic music, as well as both still and moving image. He has a particular (but not exclusive) affinity for algorithmic techniques in both realms. Currently residing in London, England, he is a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan and received his PhD in composition from Michigan State University. He worked as a full-time lecturer at North-eastern University from 2001-2004 and at De Montfort University from 2004-2011. At present he teaches Creative Computing at both Bath Spa University and Falmouth University. Above all, he looks for ways to flow musically and artistically into, with, and through the world.